MISSION STATEMENT: Lead Teachers have the overall responsibility to ensure the integration of children, family, community and organization services into the classroom and home visits of all participating families within their assigned unit. Lead Teachers will monitor training and provide leadership for the assistant teachers assigned to their unit in a manner that effectively communicates best practices and models comprehensive service provision to all participating Head Start families.
Baccalaureate degree in Early Childhood Education or closely related field
Evidence of a continuing commitment to personal growth
Thorough knowledge of:
Theory and practice in early childhood education
Theory and practice in family focused intervention strategies
Revised Head Start/Early Head Start performance standards
NAEYC accreditation requirements
High/Scope curriculum
Experience in:
Classroom experience with preschool children
Family focused intervention strategies
Supervising paraprofessional staff and/or volunteers providing health information and referral
Excellent communication skills
Knowledge of management practices and supervision experience possibly from a variety of sources
Enthusiasm for the program
An awareness that individuals can choose to effect change
Ability to transfer information effectively to Family Educators II and Classroom Assistants
Complete criminal record check from Department of Health & Welfare’s Criminal History Unit prior to consideration for hire
Treat participants, fellow staff, and community members with positive regard.
Adhere to a prescriptive schedule that provides adequate preparation for each class.
Adhere to a prescriptive schedule that provides adequate time for evaluation each day.
Adhere to a schedule of adequate break time(s) during the course of the day.
Ultimate responsibility for the supervision of each child enrolled in their unit/class to ensure their health and safety.
Active supervision requires focused attention and intentional observation of children at all times. The Active Supervision Protocol will be followed at all times.
Develop and design strategies to ensure the classroom and center are inviting and nurturing environments reflective of the local community.
Set up a classroom schedule appropriate for NAEYC guidelines and High/Scope curriculum. Include representation of each individual's culture as well as the local culture shared by all. Plan, implement, evaluate and modify child activities, daily classroom activities, involving staff, and volunteers.
Second Step & Child Protection Unit will be followed as part of daily routine.
Develop and design strategies to integrate multi-cultural/anti-bias principles into all aspects of the Head Start classroom to assure meaningful participation by all children and their families.
Monitor to assure that anti-bias/multicultural principles are being followed.
Observe and document the developmental level of each child. Individualize using appropriate tools and information from parents, staff, and professionals to create an individualized plan for each enrolled child.
Participate in Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings for assigned children with special needs taking the role of resource person and parent advocate. Collaborate with Mental Health/Disabilities Coordinator to see that the Family Service Worker has the resources and information necessary for effective participation in IEP meetings for families assigned to them.
Monitor to assure that developmentally appropriate practices are being followed in the classroom.
Monitor and track classroom activities and atmosphere to ensure program compliance. Track screenings and evaluations.
Monitor and track child attendance to share information with the Center Supervisor and ERSEA/Systems Specialist. Absence of three days or more will be followed with a plan.
Develop and design supervision strategies inclusive of the Assistant Teacher and Classroom Assistant, utilizing negotiation and encouragement amongst the whole team unit to reach common goals.
Supervise assigned classroom staff and volunteers. Provide for appropriate training and ongoing evaluation to build on strengths and to pinpoint individual as well as program training needs.
Utilize the data gathered from screening and observations to develop a comprehensive profile of learning styles and development to individualize for each Head Start Child.
Coordinate Child Review Team (CRT) monthly meetings to individualize for children with your team.
Plan and carry out individualized health and nutrition education in the classroom.
Complete the required Personal Safety, Nutrition and Dental curriculum as per work plans.
Collaborate with center staff to recruit, train, and encourage parent and community volunteers.
Inform parents of child's progress and potential problems.
Inform parents of Head Start/Early Head Start Child Abuse Policy and report suspected abuse as per Health & Nutrition Work Plan.
Plan and coordinate with the food service staff to conduct classroom food experiences.
Communicate pertinent child and family information in a reciprocal manner with staff to inform and educate.
Facilitate family staffing with the unit team and Center Supervisor at scheduled times and provide technical assistance to assure delivery of services.
Plan and assist in program wide training as assigned.
Make no less than two educational home visits per program year to the home of each enrolled child in unit.
Meet often with Family Services Worker, to make connections with monitoring child outcomes progress and follow up on 45/90-day tracking.
Conduct staff/parent conferences, no less than two per program year, to enhance the knowledge and understanding of both staff and parents of the educational and developmental progress and activities of children in unit.
Develop strategies to collaborate with the Center Supervisor to share information and ensure comprehensive service delivery to families.
Share discipline specific information with the program Specialists for them to develop long-range planning and policy development.
Provide compiled tracking information to the Services Specialists.
Collaborate with Family Service Worker to ensure completion of all health services, provide community health resource information and make necessary referrals.
Collaborate with Health & Nutrition Specialist to develop appropriate procedures for the supervision and documentation of health checks, dental brushing, and use of fluoride in the classroom.
Collaborate with Mental Health Specialist and/or Early Learning Mentor Coaches on behavioral concerns.
Assist with recruitment activities as assigned.
Participate in an individualized continuing education plan including CPR and First Aid.
Be an advocate for Head Start/Early Head Start children and families within the community.