Mentor Teacher


Mentor Teacher

Urbana School District

icon Urbana, IL, US, 61802


icon7 November 2024

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Urbana School District #116

TITLE:  Mentor Teacher

LOCATION: Urbana School District #116

JOB SUMMARY:  Urbana School District’s New Teacher Induction and Mentoring Program is intended to provide ongoing professional development and support to beginning teachers in order to strengthen the teaching and learning cycle for all students. This program connects experienced teachers with beginning teachers and new hires in Urbana in a mentor-protege relationship for one to two years.

The application process is open to all teachers who qualify, however prospective mentors can be encouraged to apply by new teachers, current mentors, and/or administrators.  Mentor teachers must demonstrate a strong commitment to professional development, have at least five years experience* with positive performance ratings, and must demonstrate the ability to keep professional and personal conversations confidential. Mentor applications shall include: 1) an application, 2) a current resume, 3) a principal / evaluator reference, and 4) one letter of recommendation/support from a teacher/colleague who can speak to the candidate's experience with new or pre-service teachers.

*In some high-needs areas and in buildings/positions/programs where there are no veteran teachers who meet the standard of experience, exceptions to the five years of experience are made.

MENTOR SELECTION: Applications are reviewed and mentors selected based on specific needs of the building or program, expected new hires for the year, the completed application, and principal/evaluator recommendation. We currently have a large pool of qualified mentors, but are looking to fill gaps in specific content/grade needs based on incoming new hires per building. If selected, all new mentors must attend a mentor training with Induction for the 21st Century district trainers. All training sessions are done locally. Once selected, mentors remain in the pool for upcoming years.

MENTOR PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to meet the minimum requirements of the mentoring program in years assigned to a protege/new teacher.

  • A minimum of 30 - 40 hours of contact support to a paired first or second year teacher.
  • If mentoring a beginning teacher, complete a full observation cycle, by the end of the first quarter. There will be a half-day release provided to complete this requirement. This includes scheduling a planning conference, an observation with data, and a reflecting conference.
  • Complete two professional release days to use as requested by the new teacher, one per semester. The purpose and length of each request will be based on the pair’s needs, to either a) observe the mentor’s classroom, b) complete another observation cycle,  c) complete a peer observation, or d) use as a planning day.
  • Attendance at the New Teacher Orientation Mentor-Protege Day if paired with a new teacher also in attendance.
  • Yearly attendance at two mentor professional development workshop (one a semester).
  • Attendance at the majority of the after school professional development workshops with the paired new teacher, held approximately once per month.

ADDITIONAL MENTOR DUTIES: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential function satisfactorily.

  1. Create professional growth environments for new teachers grounded in the norms of continuous inquiry, ongoing assessment, and problem-solving.
  2. Support new teacher’s understanding and implementation of district initiatives.
  3. Identify new teacher’s needs and modify support in response to those needs.
  4. Use questioning and discussion strategies to direct reflective conversations and support for new teachers.
  5. Informally meet with the new teacher to provide tailored support at least once per week.
  6. Maintain a high level of confidentiality in all communications with new teachers.
  7. Use the formative assessment model to collect data on the paired new teacher’s progress and growth over time.


  1. Committed to mentoring and supporting novice teachers
  2. Knowledge of the district and building initiatives
  3. Values his/her organization
  4. Respected by others
  5. Accepting of differences in others
  6. Demonstrates flexibility
  7. Demonstrates trustworthiness
  8. Displays strong interpersonal skills
  9. Exhibits professionalism
  10. Skilled teacher
  11. Works well with adults
  12. Demonstrates patience
  13. Exhibits innovation
  14. Competent in social and public relations skills
  15. Dedicated to continuous learning and professional growth
  16. Well organized


TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: This is a stipend position, paid only in years when mentors are formally paired with a new teacher.

EVALUATION:  Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board’s policy on evaluation of support personnel.

NOTE: This is not a position within the collective bargaining unit and is not an administrative position.


REVISED: May 2019